Wow~ 2005.. it's long time ago ne? xD Never get bored of this episode of Hey! Hey! Hey!! 100000000000x ARIGATO to zomer for sending me the links!! *hug hug* Members of ORFM... long time didn't see them TT I miss you all!!!! *cries* I will blog about the first part first k?
Back to story! Before the show starts, they showed some history of Renji xD The time they debut till 2005. So, during Shangjai Honey, they made a appearance at Hey!x3 [2003-09-22]. Hiroki did a big mistake... he suddenly interfere Naoto-Hamada-san conversation and say "Nande yanen!"

I add the exclamation mark myself xDD BTW, everyone is so kakoii with their tanned skin!! xD OMG!! Miss that so much!!

Then during Viva Rock... wait.. talking about Viva Rock, it's the first song I listen from Renji and this is the song that made me a Renji Fangirl till now!! xD Viva Rock, Viva Renji!!! Kyyaa! Back to story.. lol... Hiroki realise his mistake. They made an appearance again in Hey!x3 [2003-10-27]. Hiroki said that he want to apologise to Hamada-san about that incident.. *pat pat* Hiroki ii ko yo~ ^0^
After that they talked abou their amazing achievement in Michishirube ~a road home~, Locolotion (They made it to Kouhaku that time! xD), Hana(Million seller), Asterisk(No.1!)!!
The first guest.... KABA-chan.. MUKYA! Kowai!!~

He came out only "Ahh~ Ahh~ Ahh~ Ahh~" o.O Renji got shocked!! xDD Hiroki is scared of him.. well.. not only him but everyone. It's just that Hiroki is so obvious!!
Hiroki: Help~~
Well, actually Hiroki and KABA-chan know each other. They meet in some TV show.

Together.. "Nee?~" Sze ah~ you say this is cute right? xD Katchan looks like having a lot of fun behind!! xD Bwa ha ha ha ha~
It seems that KABA-chan is ORANGE RANGE BIG fan. He have all Renji's CD and DVD!! *wow~* He said that he become a fan when he listen to LocoMotion. And he asked Matsumoto-san if he know about that song and Matsumoto-san is like 100% confident and say ofcourse! *shocked* Hiroki *ka-boom!*

"Matsumoto-san! Somo somo ne, Locomotion ga chigau desu yo!!" I didn't see Hiroki this angry before you know? He really scold KABA-chan for mistaken their song's name. Hiroki, I respect you!! *salute + bows*
When he was watching Locolotion's PV, he saw someone handsome in there that he like. There is 6 person there... Who is it!!? and then KABA-chan said "Minna teru teru yo~" means that they are all embarassed. LOL!! I think kowai more than teru teru.. LOL Hamada-san and Matsumoto-san is so curious that they keep asking "Who is it? Who is it? Well, you can only look at him to tell us ok? Just look at that person."

Ryo is like "OMG! This is just a bad dream.. a bad dream.. *pinching between his eyes*" Look carefully.. 3 people at the back are looking at Ryo too!! LOL!! xD
KABA-chan said that Ryo is very manly(Otoko poi) xDD
KABA-chan: Sugoi suki nan da mo~.
Ryo: (Should I be sitting next to him? Kore wa yabai ka mo...)

and then KABA-chan also said that he likes Hioki's body!! OMG!! When he saw Hiroki's body in Rakuyou's PV and the one in the pool!! xD Check out the PV yo!

Look at Hiroki while KABA-chan is talking about his BO~DY~!! xDD After that he keep talking nonsense about silhouette coming out of a pool. As a result, he got hit by Hamada-san.. LOL!!! xDD
Next is KABA-chan wants to ask some question to the members. What type of underware they wear? =.='' Well.. here they have their men's talk here.. me too hazukashii to explain here... *hides*
The do it together again "Gyutte" Then this time Hiroki got smacked by Hamada-san...
"Itaiii~~" xD Kawaii na Hiroki!! xD and then KABA-chan says "Hidoi mo~" This 2 people combo defeated Hamada-Matsumoto combi xDD LOL~!
After that he asked Ryo to wipe his sweat for him!!! ARGH!! Ryo dame desu!!! TT sob sob.. My Ryo become sexually harrased by KABA-chan... Bu hu....
Next question is KABA-chan wants to know the percetage that the members will go out with him.
Hiroki: 5% (HIGHEST)
Yamato: 2%
Katchan: 3% (Katchan seems "ke lian" with him and say 3 after thinking)
Yoh: 3%
Naoto: 4%
Ryo: 1% (Well, actually 0% xD)
Then KABA said that his feelings is with Ryo. He is only playing with Hiroki.. LOL Hiroki lucky xDD
Guest what now? KABA-chan wants to take picture with the members. The machine is so small that all the members including KABA-chan have to take picture in there. The members are avoiding to have skin contact with him xD LOL!!! I will be much more happier if they just take pic of 6 of them... sigh~

Hamada-san try to join but got kicked out by KABA-chan xD You have to watch the video... it's so funny!!! xD
Take a look at this pic... Katchan kawaii ne? Ignore the person below.. LOL! Naoto has been blocked!! Sigh~ Impossible to take with this amount of people ne? LOL! 6 of them will be very nice!! Removed KABA-chan!! xD

The 2nd pic is nice xD Here it is.. Hamada-san!! xDD
KABA-chan feel so unsatisfied then Matsumoto-san told KABA-chan to take a 2 shot with Ryo.. WHAT THE!? Poor Ryo.. TT
Something not good has happen to Ryo... again sexual harrasment!! TT KABA-chan!! You are unforgivable!!! I won't post any pic here... poor Ryo~ *pat pat*
This time... Hamada-san & Matsumoto-san's pic!!! Matsumoto-san said if their age is added together it will be 83.. too childish to play this machine xDD
First pic.... samui~!!!! HAUNTED!!
Nice pic, don't you think? xDD At first I watch this I laugh till stomachache!! LOL!!!
2nd pic..

Look!!! We found the treasure!!! LOL!! xD
Well, the first part ends here.. 2nd part.. will be coming up soon! Don't go anywhere!! Ja, mata ne!!! ^0^