Monday, August 10, 2009

Byoki shimashita!

Konnichiwa, minna-san! Ohisashiburi desu ne? I'm so sorry! xD I got sick TT I got headache, cough, sore throat and little bit of fever. At 1st I thought it was H1N1... I was thinking die la this time.. still got lots of things I haven't done. Before I die, I want to go Okinawa at least! Just this dream... Then, I think again... I sick like that I think they won't even let me go on the plane! LOL! But when I sneeze, I know it's not H1N1 xD Yokatta~ My lungs not yet collapse! Mada mada desu yo!! xD Atashi wa tsuyoi dakara~ Now I'm already 90% recover, I got sore throat now only.. no voice at all. My last voice is when singing "DBSK - One" last Satuday.. Haha. Really very sick till cannot get up of the bed... Demo ima daijyobu. My brother make fun of me and say I watched too many leng zai a.k.a. handsome boy(DBSK oppa) till sick d!!! xD I also play play with him and say LOVE SICK! LOLOLOLOLOL~~

Two days ago, I went to Ipoh Parade's Novelhut to buy "The Pearl" and guess what? The thing that I longed for!!!!!!!!! xD I bought it! SO HAPPY! LOVE-chan's lamp!!! xD Kawaii desho?

For whom that got worried about me, sumimasen deshita! m(_ _)m Soshite, arigato!^0^
Ahem, gamshahamnida! xD
p/s: The next post I'm gonna post lots about Renji!! xD

1 comment:

  1. Get well soon.. and take care..
    I think I got H1N1 before also.. but got recovered by only taking Panadols and supplements pills..
