Monday, August 10, 2009

Renji Renji & Renji!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are so many things happening now and I dunno where to start! xD OK.. let's start with RENJI's NEW ALBUM, WORLD WORLD WORLD!! Apparently, it came out sooner than the date that the announce! o.O Isn't that better!? MUKYA!!! Sweet buddies of ORFM have shared it with us!! xD *10000000x hugs for you all!!!* misuke-san receive a poster along with her copy!! Urayamashii na~~ xD

OMG! Leader-sama!! xD Hiroki look so cool there.. LOL!

Renji appeared in Ontama! It's so funny!!!!!!! Finally I know Ryo's weakness!!! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Q1: Hiroki, what make you upset?

Hiroki: Ryo changed his mail address and I didn't know it.

Yoh said that he didn't know it too till they talked bout it.

Yamato got a message from Ryo's new add, but he deleted it coz he thought it was a prank message.

Ryo told Naoto, but Naoto forgot to save the new add...

"Orange Range, are you OK?" *that's what the 'machine' said*

Q2: Yamato, what made you cried lately?

Yamato: Ishikawa Ryo (golf athlete) won the championship.

He's a fan of this athlete.. but then he pointed at Ryo and said, "Not this Ryo!" LOL

Q3: Ryo, what's your weak point?

Ryo: Being touched (tickled) on the ribs... (OK, i dunno the english for that part of body... you've watched the vid, so i guess you know what i mean)

and the machine asked Ryo to lifted his hands and Yamato tickled him... and said, "Are you THAT weak??"LOL

There's not much to translate here... they're just asked to sing a short line of a song started with letter W.O.R.L.D

When it comes the L, Hiroki asked: "me (my part)?" but then it turned out it was Yoh's.

And last Naoto said sth bout the album and it was: "so it's like the fun atmosphere in the spaceship (uchuusen).. spaceship, isn't it? oh yes, spaceship"

Q1: Another word that has the same meaning as kobanzame?

Hiroki: I really have no idea... it's ME... no one's laughing!! (he tried to make joke but... failed LOL)then it actually menas.... the drop (poop) of goldenfish (kingyo no fun), or hanger-on (koshiginchaku) --> i don't even know what it means.. hahaa...

Q2: Ryo whose ribs side is weak, how many ribs do human have?

Ryo: (counting) 14

Yamato: 24!

Q+Yamato: (14 is) few!

Ryo: but i only have 7... (one side)

then Yamato tickled him again... LOL...and the right one was Yamato... 24!!

LOL... Ryo have only 14 ribs... don't play with him! You may mess up his organs! xD LOL

Buddy also uploaded making of Hitomi no Saki ni PV!!! xD Too bad, they didn't say anything on Over the Rainbows... haih.. but there are interesting things in this making! xD

Leader-sama and Hiroki is doing nyan nyan dance which is so cute~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! =3
Leader-sama and Hiroki is one of the audience at the end of the PV!! xD LOL!!! Both of them cheering for Over the Rainbow in the PV! xD They are so cute!!! MUKYA!!!!

Now I'm downloading PANIC FANCY LIVE TOO!!! xD Can't wait to watch it!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!

I have to stop here... T^T tomorrow got Gerak Gempur.. have to study now... bye bye!!! xD Atashi gambarimasu!!! ~hwaiting~ ^^

Currently feeling: Good~
Currently thinking: Tomorrow's Add Math Gerak Gempur!!

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