My life changes Since that day I know all "six" of you. Your songs play in my mind without fail. I can't sleep thinking of you all. It's not a bad thing though xD You give me motivation in whatever I do.. Strengthens my will power so that I won't give up easily.
Your songs always cheers me up whenever I'm down. Renji too make me think more optimistic... make me laugh and smile everyday.. make me a more socialize person. You have helped me to make more friends and bring me out from the darkness of loneliness. Arigato, Renji^^
When I searched for your pictures, songs and videos on the net, I always end up disappointed cause I couldn't find any.. but when I found one, I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the universe! How you so precious to me. I saved every single pic and video I saw. But, do not fear, do not worry cause I'm no stalker xDD
You are the first one who made me cry with you song, Kizuna. I was touched that time but not heartbroken. After I cried, I have come to appreciate my friends more. [Chin-chin, I LOVE YOU! xD LimLim, I LOVE YOU! Lai Sze, I LOVE YOU!, JinJin, I LOVE YOU! and the others, Love you too for being my friend xD Zettai Wasurenai yo! ]
You also connected me with my 2nd family which is ORFM buddies xD I'm really happy to be friends with them and I would like to meet them too! I also would like to thank them for treating me well and take care of me from last year when ORFM was born. Monn-chan, zomer, shinrei-chan, OJ-chan, Fathi-chan, yaya-chan, sya-chan, KBunni, Ru-chan, Jen-chan, taxcha-san and other buddies!!! I love you all!! xDD We are one happy family~
Whenever I look at your smile, it make me smile too xD Whenever you feel sad, I feel like crying too TT If I have a chance to meet you, I would like to thank you with all my heart. I'm glad that I know RENJI while watching Naruto(lol). Arigato, kami-sama xD For sending my savier to me~
~Spread the Love of OR~
~オレンジレンジ Forever~