Friday, November 27, 2009

My Nails~

Konnichiwa minna~ I'm playing with my nails again!! xD Guess what did I drew this time!!



Yup... a skull! xD Kawaii deshou??
First I make my lil bro white mice but his turns out better than mine xDD Then he erased it off.. TT sob sob~

I know still SPM but no more school day right? Got people bring illegal stuff also.. mine minor thing only xp

Hai... got to go now... Ja ne! xD

p/s: Chin-chin, Lai Sze.. after SPM both of you come to my house.. play Fatal Frame 3 both of you take turns to hold the camera x3 I give you walkthrough... kya ha ha ha~~

Currently feeling: Happy!
Currently listening to: One Piece Bink's Sake [Yo ho ho ho~]


  1. LOL! SPM havent fin start playing d ah?
    9 dec ah~ We nid to go ur house dicuss abt KL trip ah~ can ah? call syikin too XD

  2. @Chin-Chin
    PLaying with my nail only mah~~ xD Promise ya! Come to my house play.. if can stay overnight!^0^

    Ohisashiburi!!! *hug* Arigato xDD
