Sunday, November 7, 2010

KCB New Member Picture REVEALED!

*doki doki* Finally.. the pictures!!! Tada!!

From Left: MASARU(dr, cho), KATCHAN(vo,gt,dr,mp,AG), KAZUYA(vo), NAOTO(gt, dr), TSUKASA(gt, cho)


Katchan is still the most brightest among them~~ So shiny~~ so handsome~~ xDD *bling bling* Totemo pika pika to kira kira desu xDDDDDDDD *faints* But.. he look a bit skinny. He eats a lot, but still so slim.. I wonder why? xD Now Katchan can do anything... guitar, vocal, drums etc... so 'serba boleh' xD Same as our Leader-sama.Hehe~

BTW, didn't expect KCB's NAOTO-san so 'bad boy' xD No offence.. I actually like this kind of style *hides* I hope in the future no one will confuse when I write about NAOTO since we have 2 now xD Our Renji's 'good boy' Leader-sama still the most handsome one xD Leader-sama, please don't get married... LOL!! Just Kidding!! xDD

Naoto(KCB) wrote in blog that they have 2 drummers... hope hope KATCHAN still on drums when on the stage!! If not we will be missing his drumming like HELL!!TT but.. when KATCHAN on drums, where Masaru go? o.O *confused* 

3 vocals huh? Like Renji... I wonder Katchan will take which vocal.. xD High, Middle or Low? Wanna hear him sing so badly~~~~ I think Kazuya will take the main vocal which is middle range vocal.

Masaru!! You better do a good job on drumming!! ≧0≦ Katchan is leaving his precious spot for you. Gambatte!

Katchan, don't hurt your precious finger again ok? *sayang~~*  I will be hurt too.. 


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