Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kem Perdana Day 3
Then people who didn't finish the activities from yesterday need to continue today. Finish already de group need to wait for Masakan Rimba. While waiting, we play some kind of game. Weird game.. =.= Then "The person that looks like Hiroki" come la... Talk about rules for Masakan Rimba. After that, I went and took the ingrediants for Masakan Rimba. We are given only 20 minutes to finish it. We need to cook a fish and an onion with egg in it.
I then 'siang' that fish, remove the gills and the organs. Too bad the knife if not sharp enough.. very hard to cut T.T While doing, those idiots wanna come and teach me how to do pula. Please la! I 'siang' ikan more than you all la. You all pasar also tak pernah pergi! Wanna teach me? HMPH! Then the fish cleaned d.. we panggang the fish.. Ruka-chin and Ai-chin incharge of that. I told the others find more dry branches and take more water lo... You know what? They go complaint to the assistant commander! What the!? When they ask who complaint, they all keep quiet. Brave enough to complaint when I'm not there but then like chicken when I'm there. They say I don't let them help to cook. I did not cooperate with them. I pula kena from assistant commander. The fish got one only, and so small. We need 5 people just to panggang one fish ah? and then one onion we need 5 people to dig one small hole ka? Please be logic a bit la! They also complaint that we didn't help them to cook breakfast. *sweat* I say already don't want eat, you all wanna eat cook yourself. I as senior and leader need to cook for you all to eat ka? You think what am I? Your maid ah? DAMN YOU ALL! Pandai sangat complaint, go complaint straight to the Camp Commander la.. why go to the assistant? See your face also I want to vomit. Tak guna punya orang!! Let us panggang fish cannot want ah? Must let you all do? Then we cannot do la? If we complaint that you all don't let us do, what will you do? Damn it! I give you de job you don't like you go complaint say I don't cooperate. Who's the one who that is incooperate!? I talk nicely to you all everytime and asked your opinion before doing something. I'm doing it democratically. Saya sedang tekankan kepentingan anak buah saya! Now you complaint that I'm incooperate!? GO DIE LA YOU ALL!!
After that, we give our dish to "The person that looks like Hiroki". Then got someone lost her purse and handphone. Dunno somebody stole or she drop it somemore. We all kena jemur cause no one admitted. CURSE THAT PERSON WHO STOLE THE PURSE! After that, the victim say don't want to cause trouble and want "The person that looks like Hiroki" to let us go.
I went back home and cried for 2 hours straight cause of those IDIOTS I kena from Commander and Assistant Commander. I cried cause I tak puas! I did nothing and I got scolded? WHY!? I really hate them until the end of the world la. ARGH! Disrespect people, snobbish, IDIOT attitude... didn't listen to my orders, I didn't report to the Commander also kira lucky la!! DAMN YOU FORM 1s. Next time, better use the Autocratic method.. That time, you all DIE!
Looks like there's lots of cursing... I'm sorry.. I really very angry and annoyed by those idiotic creatures. If I didn't express it here, I might got crazy. T.T Although those idiots ruined my camping, there are still happy moments during that time, like when spending time with my best friends, Urus setia Kem's people, En. Rizal, 'Cikgu', Flying fox de uncle, wall climbing de brother and all of them. I really enjoy that time. Thank you. I also gain great experience from camping. Now I know people that are so idiotic, snobbish, low life, irritating, annoying etc. , people who are funny and kind, people who have 2 personalities during work and free time, people who are sociable. I also gain experience that almost kill myself LOL but it was fun. Now, I will erase those bad memories of camping from my mind. I only keep the nice ones. So, after express it here, I won't read back my post.
Currently feeling: MUCH BETTER ALREADY! xD
Currently listening to: Tsubasa Chronicle - Blaze
Kem Perdana Day 2 [Part 2]
Then we cook dinner while the Malays go praying. Me, Ai-chin and Ruka-chin cook instant noodle and eat at canteen cause simple. My most enjoyable moment with them! xD Tarak gangguan from those idiots.
Then En. Rizal talk to us at the canteen. "The person that looks like Hiroki" also follow him together with a assistant.
En. Rizal: Saya garang tak?
We: Garang...~~
En. Rizal: Kalau garang macam mana boleh cakap dengan kamu kat sini?
We: *laughs*
En. Rizal: Kalau saya tak garang, kamu tak ikut arahan saya. Saya bekas pelatih NS.. saya mengawal peserta 3 kali ganda lebih daripada kamu semua. Saya kena garang sikit.
After that, he ask who volunteer to become MC afterwards at 9.00 p.m. "The person that looks like Hiroki" disturb Ai-chin wor.. He took his handphone to take Ai-chin's picture. He say "Wai Ling~" Ai-chin mai turn lo.. when she saw that H/P, she quickly use her hand to cover her face, like raising our hands. En. Rizal also say " Awak nak volunteer? Ok la, awak jadi," Then both of them start arguing. "The person that looks like Hiroki" then said to Ai-chin "Mai kong la~" In Hokkien! o.O My eyes also terbeliak d.. He know how to speak punya ka? LOL. The En. Rizal also say some hokkien words.. my eyes lagi besar terbeliak. O.O Then last Lingam become the MC.. masalah selesai.
I think now Ai-chin's picture become "The person that looks like Hiroki" 's phone de wallpaper d.. LOL!! HAHA! After that, got Ceramah Kepimpinan.. boring till die lo... ZZzzz.... After that continue presentation and persembahan. Persembahan we need to do in group and bincang on 20 minutes time. The same answer come out from that bunch of idiots when I ask them.. GO DIE! I say do Tarian Melayu + Taekwondo. They say ok ok..I ask them if they know any tarian Melayu and they answer YES. After that I ask them do rehearsal, they say tak tahu tarian.. DAMN YOU ALL LA!! What in the world!!?? Last minute only say tak tahu. Then I ask them to do as background extra. just do punching.. easier than 1, 2, 3. We do Taeguek 6.
When reach liao our turn, we do la our Taeguek.. we do ok de.. then.. Ai-chin say they do nothing at the back! Do punches so easy also cannot do ka? Go die la! Stand there do what? They are making a fool of themselves la.. Not only that, memalukan my team somemore! After that, they so snobbish! They feel like they can do a better persembahan than us. If you all really can do ah.. you already tell me your ideas la.. you already doing it in front and not stand like a bunch of idiots. At night, they stabbed our back again. No respect at all. I feel like wanna stab them with a knife until they all die. Then take their organs to feed animals. I think animals also don't want to eat those filthy organs of theirs.
This time no more storms.. I manage to sleep because too tired doing those activities. We slept at 2 something..
~To be continued~
Kem Perdana Day 2 [Part 1]
Groups that were patrolling are aiming their torch light at the camp, causing the light to distract us. The whole night cannot sleep T.T I thought the torch light is use to see the road only.. so we don't pokkai while walking in the dark. At 3.15a.m. when I finally got into sleep, suddenly rain! GYABO!! It's really light at 1st then it started to get heavier and the wind is blowing hard till our camp almost collapse. 3 of us inside us our hands and feet to tahan the camp in all direction. Then En. Rizal call us to go to the Dewan. "Semua keluar dari kem! Cepat masuk Dewan Sekarang! Cepat! Cepat!" Luckily that time no thunder strike.. phew~
We put our things at the canteen then only go to the hall. The breeze is so cold.. We took out jackets, mat and blanket to sleep at the hall. That's so nice and comfortable!xD We then sleep for 2 hours T.T Need to get up at 5.30 a.m.
Get up at 5.30 a.m., brush our teeth & wash our face. Wait again for the Malays to finish their prayers. While waiting, 3 of us are chatting and we ate Pocky and some other snacks. After that we got aerobic then breakfast. I don't care about those idiots la.. ask them to eat bread with kaya only. We eat our own food. Then we got talk about Abseiling and Flying Fox.. about the equipment and safety. Group 1 - 10 do abseiling while Group 11 - 20 do wall climbing 1st. Flying fox haven't cause they haven't tied the rope to the tree yet.
"The person that looks like Hiroki" incharge of abseiling. LOL. Got 1 Malay and 1 Indian was incharge of Wall climbing. I see other people do abseiling I also scared d.. Stupid aerophobia! When "The person that looks like Hiroki" is focusing on holding the rope, suddenly his friend molested him!! o.O Joking la.. they play play only. LOL. But really very funny! xD Laugh till my stomach hurts! Ai-chin is so excited about abseiling. She want to do so badly! But too bad, her turn sudah dicuri T.T Then we kena divide again. We wait for wall climbing.. but also take a long long long time only our turn. I climbed edi only know so hard to climbT^T Ai-chin and Ruka-chin can climb till the top.. I half-way also tarak.. I'M SO USELESS!!! Sobx~
After that, lunch, then only continue the activities. We do Team Building 1st, a game that need teamwork to solve it. 1st obstacle is carrying a pale of water + walk over a huge banner folded into 2 without spilling the water. I get through smoothly maybe because my leg long guar.. Ai-chin and Ruka-chin also get through smoothly. The rest of the idiots spilled the water cause they weren't serious. After that, I get a piece a paper that got something written in it. I need to memorise it in 5 minutes and the rest of the members need to memorise in 2 minutes by saying it to the next person. The time limit is 15 minuts. The paragraph is like this(LOL! I still remember!):
Ah Ling pergi ke Baling,
menaiki trans link, melalui jalan second link.
Tiba tengah jalan, dia ternampak tenggiling lalu jatuh berguling - guling
dan akhirnya pening.
This kind of paragraph no need 5 minutes also can memorise la. SWT. I take the extra time to say it to Ai-chin, help her to memorise. After that Ai-chin told Ruka-chin and help her memorise and so on. After that, got few more games but not interesting.. Got one game really need teamwork but those idiot really selfish, cause us to get our marks deducted... =.='' The rest, I'm gonna skip cause not interesting.
Then our turn for abseiling. Ai-chin go 1st... then me, then Ruka-chin. I was so scared till almost cried!! T^T But syok la... "The person that looks like Hiroki" teasing me non-stop!! He bully me!! Waa haa..!! After that, we went for Flying Fox! The uncle there very nice ah.. xD Nice talking to him and helping him. Flying fox's rope middle there got some kind of brake that help us to slow down before reaching down. Got 1 Indian uncle pull to slow us down. 1st is Ruka-chin, then Ai-chin, Next is me.. Both of them was ok... but for me, I almost died!!! Not because of fright but almost clashed with the big tree with high velocity! After the other girl slide down, En. Rizal say ok and help me to sangkut this to that and that to this. LOL. He say ok and ask me to climb over.. macam mahu bunuh diri. LOL. I thought he's gonna wait for awhile only let me go but he let go so sudden!! The Indian uncle also haven't put back the brake to the middle! They saw me coming down then hurry up and pull that rope so that the brake slow me down, Ai-chin and Ruka-chin catch me too! Walao! I really almost terlantar at hospital! 4 of them are my life saver!!! THANK YOU!!! *bows* En. Rizal mahu bunuh saya ka? xD LOL. After that is orienteering.. very boring and that time I very tired d.. not fun at all. ISH!
I paling geram is those idiots Form 1s didn't do the activities!! All compulsory to do the activities but they sit there buat bodoh only. Stupid la.. SO IDIOT!
~To be continued~
Kem Perdana Day 1
Ai-chin and me reached there about 1:13 p.m.. Then we find the table for registration... Take a look at 1st table, tarak Taekwondo.. 2nd one, also tarak... Then the 3rd table... aha! Here it is. I checked my name, IC number & telephone number then sign. I saw Ai-chin's name and straight away laugh until my stomach hurts. Ling become Lina!!! [Gomen ne, Ai-chin! It's way to funny for me!] Then Ai-chin's Mama didn't arrive yet.. She become very nervous because her things for camping was still with her Mother! Ruka-chin also didn't come yet! So as another member. Ai-chin and me got nervous, went to the toilet, walk here & there. Almost 2:00 p.m., Ruka-chin come edi!! Yokatta! Register lo.. then see got 2 members tarik diri liao! o.O NANDA!? Sigh.. nevermind... we sit at dewan here waiting for the Camp Commander come... Come liao.. see see see.. ei? Rambut tarak wor!! Badan & muka bulat je.. LOL lo~
We are told to sit row by row. Then he started to say "Sekarang kita boleh ketawa ketawa, selepas pukul 3, tak de ketawa ketawa dah." Woo... so scary! Then he introduce himself, En. Rizal rupanya. xD Divide us into groups.. MUKYA! Me, Ai-chin and Ruka-chin not in the same group!? *faints* Ofcourse I don't want! I don't want to sleep with strangers! Then come up with one idea of changing group members. I secretly exchange with one member of Ruka-chin's group but Ai-chin still in the other group T.T We went to the field after that to take out rationed pack for 3 days. After that, we make our camp. I was so BAKA! Don't know how to make that camp stand! Luckily Ai-chin come and help us! Tasukata desu! Arigato!^^ We try to ask the leader so that Ai-chin can join us, but she didn't let!! What's more worst is that Ai-chin lost her group! =.='' The other groups also exchanging members and Ai-chin is being pushed here and there. *sweat* She's so sad the whole day!
After that, we need to cook for dinner, using some branch to make fire. I was like OMG! How do we get fire? We don't have matches nor lighter! Do we need to do like people in stone age ka? Then I see the Camp Commander's anak buah help them to light up the fire place using his lighter. We also go borrow fire(pinjam api) LOL. So hard only light up... the those idiot group members make the situation worst! Those idiotic Form 1s. When got fire edi le, the throw in leaves and make the fire extinguish! IDIOT! Ask them to clean up the pot, they used up 45 minutes, ask them to wash the rice, took them 30 minutes. I see only know edi the rice won't be rice. They cook Sardin also took them about 45 minutes like that =.=;; That is canned food mah.. heat up then can eat edi la... dunno what took them so long. I ask them to work faster then they like dislike me edi. SWT!!! Then me and Ruka-chin take care of the rice lo... Got one idiot fan the fire until the soot all went to my face, hair, and body!! What for she aim at me? SO IDIOT! Then they say want to bath 1st la cause got prayers.. Then they go lo.. We eat 1st la then we left some for them. You know what? The next day we found out that they didn't eat, we also ask why la.. They say tak perasan ada nasi... WHAT THE!? I feel like wanna cekik them man! They also didn't clean up that place. Ruka-chin and me alone there go clean up. DAMN you Form 1s!!(Sorry for being rude)
We then don't have enough time to take our bath. That time was 6:30 p.m. and we have Moral talk at 7.00 p.m.! There were so many people in the toilet! I want to walk also hard! T^T Somemore the water pressure is so low! Like wanna no water like that. I decided don't want bath laT.T I know it's stinks but no choice. I use water from the tap and just wipe myself with a towel. Then change clothes and put some baby powder. Ai-chin and Ruka-chin wanna take bath.. when they get their turn, really no water d!! Teacher gave us permission to bath at Staff Room's bathroom. I wait for them then we go the canteen for Moral talk while the Malays got prayers(YES! Idiot Form 1 can stay away from us for awhile).
We're sitting under the fan.. It feels so great... Ahh.... We took water and drink, chat chat chat. Got one teacher came... ask us to introduce ourself(Form 5) with the Form 6, Form 4 with Form 3 and etc. etc. Even we know also we introduce only. So funny! xD Like Pei Yuan jie, Qin Zheng jie, Wing Han jie, Ah Boon, Siew Hui and the other Form 6 jie jie. We do like:
Me: Hi, how are you? 1st time we met. My name is Qin Zheng!(LOL)
Qin Zheng: Nice to meet you too! My name is Ee Suan. (LOLOLOL)
After that, we lantik Ketua(Leader) just for Moral class. We lantik one Form 6 jie jie also. Her nickname is Orange. o.O Why you ask? I will go to that part later. Timbalan Ketua(Vice) is Veronica.. she was wearing pink that night, so she is strawberry. LOL. The teacher ask the leader to introduce more of herself.
Leader: Hello, you can call me Orange.
We: Why orange?
Leader: Chang is my surname. "Chang" in English means Orange.. So Orange. *nods*
We: Do you like orange?
Leader: Yes, I like orange.
We: DO you hav any ambition?
Leader: Ambition ah? I got so many.. wait ah I count 1st. Oh ok.. I want to sell oranges.
We: *laughs*
Then another urus setia kem come d... Man lai de. He introduce himself as "Cikgu"! He did not told us his name!!! ARGH! What so secretive? He advice us to be brave enough to do Abseiling and Flying Fox the next day. He talk about last year's experience about one fat girl can't get down during abseiling and he can't pull her up. LOL!! Talk some jokes and so on. He also said that he's a pathologist! He say the corpse hold his hand while cleaning the corpse, while bedah it etc. It was so fun! And I found out something. The way he talk, smile and some personality.. looks exactly like Hiroki!!! GYABO! Especially his smile, it's really look like Hiroki! Ai-chin also say like that! It is just that, Hiroki's body is nicer compare to him, Hiroki is chubbier and fairer. We give him a nickname, "The person that looks like Hiroki!" xD He didn't give us his name mah.. Cikgu yao too common.
After that, we went to Dewan for some talk again. We do some hand movement, head, shoulder & hip movement, talk jokes and some games. It's also very fun but those idiotic Form 1s spoiled the mood. Suddenly my group de leader say don't wanna be leader. Ok lo..I jadi leader lo. Then got Presentation. We need to think of a name for out group, what is the meaning of the name, logo, group song, cheering and punishment. When I ask the members a.k.a idiotic Form 1s for some ideas, they say "Tak tahu." I ask them this idea good or not? They also say "Tak Tahu." Habis cerita. So stupid man.. so lazy till don't want give me ideas! When I ask them to discuss, they talk rubbish!! *hang myself* Then don't care la... I as leader must get them to work as team.. divide the work.. then I pantau from group to group. If I didn't pantau, they will just talking rubbish again.
Then almost 12.. -to be continued-
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Finish Exam!
Tomorrow I will go for a camping programme, so I will not be online until 1st of June. Hope hope that you all will miss me! xD Nante ne! Hehe^^ I'm really looking forward to it! I already packed my bag ready! What activity do we have? Eto... we have wall climbing, FLYING FOX, abseiling!!! GYABO! Zettai tanoshii na!
Sore de.. after that, I also have a school trip to KL! I will go to Kinokuniya for sure!
I almost forgot that I have lots of homework to do!!! =.=;; Haiz... Gambatte!
BTW... I want to show you all something really cute!!! xDD Shiho-chan no neko-chan da!! Namae wa Kii desu! =) Here you go the pictures! =^.^=

So 'BIG'!!
Kya~! So cute!^0^
Kawaii desho? xD Atashi wa neko daisuki~ Totemo desu!! Oh ya.. for those who don't know who Shiho-chan is, she is my friend from Japan. She came to Malaysia as transfer student last year. She's so cute and kind too!^^ She say she's coming next year, I'm so glad. I get a chance to meet her again!! =D Now I'm exchanging e-mails with her. Hehe.
I will type to here then! Ja, mata ne!!!
Currently feeling: Yippee! HYPER da!!!
Currently listening to: Adam Lambert - Black or White
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Still got one more paper to go!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Adam Lambert - No Boundaries
Adam's version of No Boundaries is better than Kris. =) *thumbs up!*
Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment lasts forever
When you feel you've lost your way
What if my chances were already gone
I started believing that I could be wrong
But you gave me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
So here I am still holding on
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going no where
Just when you almost gave up all your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
I fought to the limit you stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets
Don't know where the future's headed
Nothing's gonna bring me down
Jumped every bridge I've run every line
I risk being safe, I always knew why
I always knew why
So here I am still holding on
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going no where
Just when you almost gave up all your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule cause there's nothing between you and your dreams
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going no where
Just when you almost gave up all your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
No boundaries
Yeah, there are no boundaries
Currently listening to: Adam Lambert - No Boundaries
Friday, May 22, 2009
New Banner!
I also change the colour of the fonts. Just a little bit of minor changes. Haha~ xD
Currently feeling: Happy!
Currently listening to: FAT
Thursday, May 21, 2009
KCB at MySpace
When I open KCB's blog today, I found out that they have a MySpace. Although I don't have one.. *sweat* Here... KCB5sound ka.... Nande darou ne~~ The background is so nice~~~ I wonder who did that. xD
Their music player have 2 songs that I think most of the fans didn't listen to it before. One of the song is VS and another 1 is............................. SEVEN!!! KYA~! <33 I was waiting for this song for so long! I have only heard it once LIVE at OHP, I instantly fall in love with this song!! It's not even a single nor b-sides! I was wondering what song is this last time. VS is not bad too! xD OJ-chan, finally!!!! xD OMG! SO EXCITED! I wish to see them perform SEVEN LIVE AGAIN!
Today I get to listen to it.. Lucky~~ Yokatta desu! Ima totemo happy desu! xD Actually after Biology paper today, I have no mood to study liao... Everyday I wake up at 4 in the morning to study before go to school for exam. Really 'pancit' edi la... After listening to SEVEN, I'm feeling so happy and energetic. Such a upbeat and joyfull song^^ LOVEEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33 Now I have the feeling to study for Chemistry! Yosh! Gambaru zo!!! Arigato, KCB no minna-san!
Currently feeling: HAPPY! EXCITED! ENERGETIC!!! xD
Currently listening to: KCB - SEVEN
Currently doing: Reading Chemistry!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders~
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up, to more than I can be
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up, to more than I can be
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up, to more than I can be
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up, to more than I can be
You raise me up, to more than I can be
Time to get some motivation? YEAH! YOSH!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Siggy for my Birthday!
Her message is like that:
hola!!it's been a while i haven't talked to you. wish to talk to you over the chat client but i havn't install them yet, (thanks to my troublesome lappy dat i have to reformatted it + crappy wifi that won't allow me to surf too long +____+)more or less, happy belated birthday, and since i'm free and a lazy bumbum at home, i managed to make this super crappy siggy for your birthday!!lololol*you can roll on the floor and laugh your way at my durhhh siggy xDDDDso, here for joooooooooo

The siggy is just so nice!! xD Love it! Thank kew, yaya-chan! Ureshi katta desu!! xDD YOU'RE SO SO SO SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggies for you!!!!!!!!*
Otanjyobi Omedetou, Leader-sama & Tsukasa!
*Wish you all the best!
*Futari mo saiko! BANZAI! OMEDETOU! xD
*Gambatte for OR/Delofamilia
*Gambatte for KCB!
*Naoto--- make more OR sound for us!
*Tsukasa--- help Katchan as much as you you can!
*Wish you have a fantastic year!
*Remember to love your guitars! LOL~
*Thanks for making great songs for us!!!!
*Remember that OR is love by the WORLD!^^ Sooner or later, KCB too! xD

Tsukasa no tanjyobi cake!!! Tabetai na!! Umai sou!!! xD Belanja me la~~ Nezumi-chan also got belanja me~~ LOL.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tomodachi, gimme power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LimLim, we became best friends at the end of our primary ne? xD We have so much of fun that time. I wish we could return to that time, when we were so close to each other. Got do revision edi? Make sure you pass for Chemistry, Biology and Moral oh~ Gambatte! Do your best and Good luck!^^ Best Friends forever although we're not in the same school anymore. Love you and miss you always. Stay CUTE and beautiful! Say, you are becoming more prettier and prettier! Gratz~!
Ai-chin not feeling well ka? Rest more.. don't so sad always, if you got any problem, find me & we will solve it together, I'll lend you my shoulder, be more optimistic... Tajima-kun ni mitai ni naru! xD Happy Go Lucky! Do your best for Mid-Year! Love you, taisetsuna no tomodachi!^^
JinJin, I forgot to pay you RM30 again...T.T Sorry, Monday pay you. Let's do out best for Mid-Year!^^ Best Friends forever although your words hurt me too. Wish you again Happy Birthday!
Nezumi-chan, Happy Birthday to you too!^^ Receive lots and lots of present ya! Kaname always! LOL. Good luck for coming Mid-Year exam! Happy always, brilliant girl! xD
Yi Jern~ Suddenly I remembered our pass time in primary!^^ We have such a great time together with Kole. Thanks for not letting me be a lonely person. FYI, you and Kole are my only true friends when in primary. XD
MunMun, you became my friends when I was Form 2 with Ai-chin. I miss that time... you, me, Ai-chin, LimLim & JinJin. I wish we could return to that time once again.
Ting, still remember me ka? When I couldn't make any friends in MGS kindergarten, you talked to me and became friends with me. I appreciatte that a lot. You're my very 1st friend you know? Although I feel like you are using me, I'm still think that I'm lucky that you talked to me that day.
SW & HW, waaa both of you ah! I knew you since in primary school too! I met SW 1st in KH club meeting! xD She is so kind and friendly! Hehe. Then I met them again in secondary! Didn't expect that they have chosen RPS. LOL. We train Taekwondo together. I always seek for them, trying to get along with them. They're really nice person. Glad that I met them~ xD Thanks for taking care of me! *bows!*
ORFM no memba, iro iro no arigato! I have a nice time chatting with you all about OR! It's like my 2nd home there! Hontou ni arigato!!! Love you all ya! Monn-chan, OJ-chan, Shinrei-chan, Fathi-chan, Ru-chan, zomer, and the others!!! I send you my thanks! =)
Still got anybody I miss out? Eto... dare desho ne? Ahh.. omoidashita! Hong Long and Kwai Sau!! Ai-chin! Did you take care of them? One of them not at your house anymore T.T I miss him! Everytime I go your house they will surely bark at me. LOL. But still they're cute!^^ Although I don't like dogs. Keke.
And also not to forget Zhi Hao. LOL. You think I forgot about you ka? Haha! xD Na.. I won't la, you have been a great friend to me! My faithful listener when I was sad or happy^^ Thank you! You help me a lot too!! Thanks again! Glad that I met you in Maple!
Currently feeling: Much better
Currently listening: Ookiku Furikabutte - Dramatic [Hora ima ,natsu ga, SUTAATO!!]