Friday, May 8, 2009

Siggy for my Birthday!

I just receive a Belated Birthday present from yaya-chan!! Sobs, so touching!T^T I'm happy that she remembers me! xD We are OR family mah~~!^0^
Her message is like that:

hola!!it's been a while i haven't talked to you. wish to talk to you over the chat client but i havn't install them yet, (thanks to my troublesome lappy dat i have to reformatted it + crappy wifi that won't allow me to surf too long +____+)more or less, happy belated birthday, and since i'm free and a lazy bumbum at home, i managed to make this super crappy siggy for your birthday!!lololol*you can roll on the floor and laugh your way at my durhhh siggy xDDDDso, here for joooooooooo

The siggy is just so nice!! xD Love it! Thank kew, yaya-chan! Ureshi katta desu!! xDD YOU'RE SO SO SO SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggies for you!!!!!!!!*

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