Tuesday, March 16, 2010


What's with the "TUNA" title??? xD Wei~ Wei~~ Ano Tuna tabemono janai yo! xD I just read Ya-Cha's post and I found that it's really cute!!! xD

At first Katchan got Adam-kun(Inu), now Ya-Cha got Tuna(Neko)!! xD Demo~ Ya-Cha got lots of Inu d!! Neko-chan dou suru? ~'.'~ Why Ya-Cha named him "Tuna"? Oishii sou na namae~~~~~~ xD BTW, TUNA cho kawaii~!!! xD Hai~ shashin totta!!

"Nani o miteru no, gaki?" xD
Sono kanji desu ne? xDD
Now I'm learning on my 16 beats. Nanka tanoshii desu!! xD Saishou kekkou muzukashi~~ demo, gambarimasu!!^^


  1. UWAAAH!! Kawaii ne TUNA-kun~~~!! OMG shoo kawaii!!! Haha Adam and Tuna~ I think I'll rename my two cats Eve and err...Sardine??? XDXD

    Ne ne, Raku-chan! Don't you think TUNA's face looks a little bit like Katchan?? Or issit just me?? o.o...but STILL! Both r KAWAII!! ^o^/
