Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Ushi Year!! Moo~

Moo~ year is coming!!! xD YEAH! I know it's OX year, also got related to cows rite? I love cows!!! xD They're so FAT!! So CHUBBY!!! So ROUND!!! KAWAII! When I went to KL with my parents to buy Chinese New Years decorations, I saw the animated cows!!! CUTE! ><
FYI, it is not the Ox year yet. Still Rat year now~

BTW~ Here's the ox(?) Katchan and Daiki drew... It made me smiled!!! xDD

Neko to uma mitai!! xD LOL Sugoi na~ Demo kawaii desu!^0^

*Cheers!* xD

Currently listening to: Rakuyou

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